Other Dangerous Goods or Hazardous Materials
Contains Batteries or Cells?
Flammable Liquid
The Clean Ball is a handy tool that helps keep your purseor bag clean by removing crumbs and other smallparticles.lt is made of a plastic honeycomb outer and asticky inside ball that helps to collect crumbs and othersmall particles. The Clean Ball is non-toxic, washable, andrecyclable, making it a great choice for those who areenvironmentally conscious. The Clean Ball is lightweight,weighing only 16 grams, making it easy to carry around inyour purse or bag.lt is also easy to open up, making itsimple to use and maintain. The washable inner ballallows for endless reusability, making it a cost-effectivesolution for keeping your purse or bag clean. One of thebest things about the Clean Ball is that it does notcontain silicones, which means that it is safe for use anddoes not cause any harm to the environment. This makesit a great choice for those who are concerned about theimpact of their purchases on the environment. Overall.the Clean Ball is a great tool for anyone who wants tokeep their purse or bag clean and tidy. lt is easy to use,washable, and environmentally friendly, making it a greatchoice for those who are conscious about their impact onthe environment.